
On a serious note, this actually happened. The Trump campaign removed harsh language regarding Russia/Ukraine from the Republican platform. He then implied the US would not defend its NATO commitments in Eastern Europe. Granted this happened in July and I’m not sure when this report was written. The best I could find

If the GOP insists they’re the party of fiscal responsibility and want to reduce government spending, they should be providing MORE money to Planned Parenthood so that women of all income levels can afford birth control.

Yep. Naming and renaming legislation for PR purposes is the oldest trick in the book. The factual name is what journalists should use, not the propagandized name the opposition uses.

you can hire your spouse or your chinless nightmare of a son-in-law to any position your heart desires.

Wow. Go home Wikileaks, you’re drunk.

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

Of cooooourse leaks are “bad” when they don’t benefit the person you’re trying to help by leaking shit.

Please call the LOCAL office of your Congressional reps, both Senate and House. That is best, or, just drop into the office that is really effective.

Vox has a very interesting article about how racism and sexism got Trumplestiltskin elected, not the financially challenged.

Oh, I throw cash at everything. My plane ticket cost is going, and I’ve had monthly donations to PP, ACLU, DNC and everyone for years. I try to volunteer at our county office, but it’s tough with work.

Nobody embraces deprecation better.

Not just quietly, secretly. Unannounced, behind closed doors, with no roll call or record of votes, on a national holiday, under the wire so there was no time to fight against it. A secret vote to give them explicit control over investigations into their own misdeeds. A decision that keeps them from being accused of

I live in Indiana, and I can safely say it all sucks. I am in a metropolitan county that votes blue, but it still sucks. I can only hope tough bitches like me who won’t budge an inch right and won’t tacitly approve of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic jokes (and anything I left out) can finally outnumber

I feel like this has just been a really really long dare for one of us to figure out how to make feminism a religion

He seems like he actually cares about America and believes in the ideals we are supposed to have. I can respect a political opponent such as him.

I really admired how Ms. Chamberlin responded to that, though. She wanted to believe it was a calling, that singing (whether or not she personally took part) would spread cheer and hope, but she knew it wouldn’t. That the Choir she loved was being used to shellac and normalize fascism and hate, that its purpose was

I’m sure I would disagree with him on almost everything policy-wise, but he’s standing up to Trump. I can overlook a lot for that. He’s also been amplifying anti-Trump voices from across the aisle and has been pretty adamant about the need for a unified force against Trump despite our political differences.

I’m finding myself on the side of caring more about good governance over idealogy these days. Transparency, respect for the rule of law, and performing your constitutional obligations should not be a high bar for our elected officials. Now, for someone to speak up for these values seems a major act of strength.

It’s the UnBlackening!

And on January 20th Trump will be kicking a black family out of their home. Some things never change.