It’s a good thing we prevented Goldman Sachs from gaining too much sway in Washington.
It’s a good thing we prevented Goldman Sachs from gaining too much sway in Washington.
When you owe someone that much money, you have tons of leverage on them. It’s a well known banking idiom.
This is from my FB feed, from a reviewer called RapCritic. It’s legit and I’m trying my best to get some momentum by encouraging people to copy-paste and have them encourage people to copy-paste. This takes seconds.
this is the disconnect that concerns me. People honestly think that once these guys are given a government position they will automatically revert to working for the American people instead of themselves. As though 30 years working for a company like Exxon and doing what he has done to the environment doesn’t show us…
I’m sure Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy are preparing to launch investigations as we speak.
Call (not email) your reps and demand an investigation BEFORE inauguration. Take few minutes to stop the attack on democracy.
At this point it has to be some kind of fucking joke. If only Trump was subject to the Clinton Rules, we’d have endless investigations and maybe some of those conspiracy theorists could actually do some good. Fucking unbelievable to think that only 4 years ago Republicans were screaming bloody murder in the…
Yeah, I want to say to the Bernie bros*: THIS IS WHAT A WALL STREET SHILL ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE.
True - most of what I read were (gently worded, of course) dissertations on the need for regulation in the financial industry. Of course, she used a lot of big words and wonky references, so that made her suspicious right there.
And the bulk of the speeches were leaked. And they’re great speeches! Pragmatic, thoughtful, insanely informed. Way above the average corporate speech, and I’d say worth the price on that market.
Believe it or not, “Musket Guy” Joe Walsh has been quite vocal the past few weeks about these things.
Speeches that, when leaked, were a big fat lot of nothing, at that.
The people who knocked Clinton for giving speeches to Goldman Sachs but are quiet about Trump stocking his cabinet with people from there are hypocrites. Trump is a conman and only cares about increasing his family’s fortune.
But, see, Trump didn’t give any speeches at Goldman Sachs. He’s stocking his cabinet with bankers, but speeches are all that matters. Focus, people. /s
Democrats need to get over this bullshit “purity test.” You know why republicans win all the time? Because they overlook flaws in their candidates (see donald trump 2016). If there is a person running for office that holds 80% of your views and another running that holds 0% of your views, stop holding the former…
because he tells it like they think it is.
We don’t need his supporters to turn on him. We need the voters who don’t particularly like him, but still voted for him anyway, to turn against him.
Weather Channel for life or till wrong snow amount prediction.
I don’t think he’s literally blaming ISIS for pizzagate. I think he’s pointing out that reactionary right wing zealots are using the internet to contact and radicalize stupid, disaffected men the way ISIS encourages sad scared Muslim men to attack others. The on,y difference is that ISIS claims credit for any attack…
Fake news. This guy has to face the tough truth he created, no doubt. Full sentence. But this is ISIS. This is an organization convincing impressionable people to do their bidding for them while they go unpunished. This guy did a terrible wrong, but there are much larger, much more evil forces at work..