
She just can’t help plagiarizing FLOTIS again! Remember when the republicans lost their minds when Obama was running in ‘08 and Michelle said it was the first time she was proud of her country?

Really, once that tape came out and then he said in the debate that it was “just words” (uhgg!) it was only a matter of how soon and how many would come forward.

Before I had my son, I was like “I’ll be careful with birth control, but would never be able to get an abortion.” Now, I have my son, and I’m like “I don’t want any more children and Id on’t want to be pregnant again. I will be really careful with birth control, but if I get pregnant, I’m having an abortion.” It’s

I’ve never had an abortion.

I went through three doctors and no one would give me a tubal cause “you’re only 23, you’ll change your mind”. This to a woman,who had been on her own since 17, never wanted kids and had multiple tats by then. Ugh fuckface I know what permanent means. I wouldn’t have had condom failure resulting pregnancy and

YEP. Quite honestly one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made and not a single tear was shed.

True, although it is just an experiment until it is your decision. I thought I was politically pro-choice and personally anti-abortion, until I thought I was pregnant under truly horrifying circumstances. I didn’t decide, as in the verb, it just instantly registered that I’d already decided; not happening. Maybe

Yes! I had a very similar experience. There were things and feelings going on at that time which made me feel like shit. Ultimately, though, they weren’t the abortion. I didn’t make the choice lightly, but once it was made it wasn’t regrettable at all. Tears shed here too, but I know I’d do it the same way if done

As emotionally rolling it was beating myself up for getting pregnant in the first place, the decision to abort remains the single most responsible and well made decision I have ever made. If I hadn’t done it I’d be forever tied to an abusive felon who would’ve ruined my life and that of the baby we would’ve had. And

I doubt most women suddenly start considering abortion as a potential choice after they found out they’re pregnant. Abortion likely became a consideration as soon as they became sexually active, at least as a thought experiment.

No fucking shit.

The fact that some of these defenders are honestly unable to see that “words” describing sexual assault are wrong is the WHOLE problem.

Thank you for this. This is rape culture in action. The words on the tape, the defense of said words, the attempted gaslighting of every single woman who heard those words as a punch in the gut.

yeah, this is great and all, (read: “whee!! want, need it!!) but can we get some pro-Hillary vibs. Yes, the guy is a genuine threat, yes he is truly disturbed, yes he is unparalleled in American history in his fascism.

Between sicking leaked tapes, deeply disturbing debate, and all around insanity, I feel even more committed to voting my conscience in the election.

I can’t keep up with the kind of schedule she has and I’m not even a little dead. At least I hope i’m not dead and this is an obscure level of hell.

Hey, I’d just settle for less, “Both sides do” it coverage. I thought I’d stroke out when I saw coverage of the debate conflating what’s his name cray cray with HRC’s attempt to have an actual debate on issues while being stalked by a crazy person. Sheesh.

“But we ignored all of these warning signs for months in favor of bitching about Hillary Clinton not giving press conferences. We sure showed her!”

“Tim Kaine, can America go to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch today?”
“Did you ask your mother?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not.”