
Raise your hand if you saw this media black out form DT coming? I’ve got a 5 spot bet that the only press he allows is Breitbart “news” (making Fox look like Mother Jones).

Please. There wasn’t a chance the anti-Semitic, racist DT voters wouldn’t have ever voted for a Jewish socialist. 

In Florida, Hillary Clinton lost by about 1.4% of the vote – but if Jill Stein’s supporters and half of Gary Johnson’s backers had voted Democratic, she would have won the state.

Similarly, in Pennsylvania, Clinton lost by about 1.1% of the vote – but if Jill Stein’s supporters and half of Gary Johnson’s backers had

I’m struggling right now. When it was really starting to look grim as the results were coming in, I get a text from my brother saying,” sorry just couldn’t vote for hillary”. Another friend was of the “I’m too good to vote for the lesser of two evils” camp. I did uninvite her for thanksgiving. Not sure how I will be

Now playing

According to the NY Times, DT’s handlers have taking away his twitter access. Prez O has some words:

Have been doing some GOTV for Hillz, last night at the table I was texting, two of the guys sitting next to me were Bernie fans. One had put in almost 10 hours phoning and texting to get Hillary elected.

Benghazi is the most investigated single issue in the whole history of congress. More than Watergate, more than Pearl Harbor, more than 911. Only things more investigated: torture in Iraq, the Civil War, the assignations of JFK and MLK.

Right, we all know that hillary is the most powerful person ever, so obviously if she wants 4 state dept employees to die, it will happen.

For what it is worth: I was sexually assaulted as a child, told no one at the time. For many years as an adult when I (rarely) told some one I was so scared, I’d shake, I’d feel sick, and always be afraid they would not believe me. Even as I write this, I’m feeling a bit sick and after reading all the comments so

Is it possible that she was going to show up and truly was too scared to go through with it?

Yes, there is a court date in December, now with two witnesses.

I’ve been on the verge the last couple of days. But I saw this meme of Madame President, and realized wait, Hillary is still leading, she still is the same kick as, hardworking, smart, leader of an amazing organization. So maybe refocus and get out and vote and:

Humm, if only there were something we could do, perhaps rules or maybe regulations to help.

Just vote Dem, local, state, federal.

Right?! I agree.

My mom, before Roe v Wade, had a midterm miscarriage. Because it was illegal, the hospital wouldn’t remove the dead fetus, instead, they gave her drugs to induce labor. She had to wait to give go into labor to deliver a dead fetus., in the the ward with all the women having live births.

Vote ‘em out. That is all.

Vote Democratic all the way down, vote them out so Hilz can actually get some work done.