
If you see this you should probably move...

Type 181 known as the VW Thing

Well look, there is more than just corn in Indiana...

I'm surprised there's only one tractor involved. I'm not sure if they would need a second or not to get over any mountains, but if they're only going 15 that makes sense.

If it was central IL i'd probably be there right now waiting to write a check.

CP. I think even 10 would be pushing it. Lotus in badge only probably.

I'd personally like everything but the engine upgrade. And please put the badge back on the grille. It looks crazy angry.

I am the computer geek. I tested the hard drive and found out it had bad sectors and knew to replace it. I even told her not to take it in but she since I was only there on the weekends she did. It's not the prices, I understand that much. It's basically what I do now. The hourly rate to have me fix stuff is

That's truthfully my favorite part, especially when I'm on the phone with support and they're trying to get me to "restart my router". I'm not going to reboot my linux firewall/router just because there's a block upstream. Just get all technical and they either fix it without saying anything or get really confused.

Beige zaps back.

I agree. I've heard them not know the difference between switches and hubs. I almost had to say something but the person looking that them went with the switch so I didn't. Ask about network throughput on routers and they'll just blank on you. It's generally a good time.

Even the "geek squad" floor people are pretty bad. I gave up trying to deal with them when they didn't even do simple troubleshooting on my girlfriends old PC and just told her it would be almost as much as a new computer to fix it.

They turned me down for wanting to pursue A+, Linux+ and Cisco Certification for working in the Geek Squad. I don't know if it was because I didn't have experience selling things or what. A+ wasn't required to get the job, the specifically said that 3 times in the job posting.

"second-degree obstructing governmental administration"? I'm not entirely sure what this even means. Did you hold up the postmaster general? Did you unalphabetize the county clerks records?

Nothing prevents you from running like a Deere.

lol everything but keep on the road.

Yes, yes I do. With its gas heater in the front and hard top with windows that don't roll down they just pop out.

NP. Time to expand the garage.

I applied to be a geek squad member dealing with computer support. During the interview I was asked short and long term goals. I gave the CCNA and A+ certifications. I never heard back from Best Buy again. Now I get to use those everyday