
The Panoz LMP car. Front engine, rear wheel drive.

Its the only way he can afford the Ferrari payments.

Bring that Astra over with the diesel, make sure it gets 50ish MPG, keep the sticker under 20k and you may not be able to keep any on a lot. I'd be first in line to buy one.

All the money goes to pay for the wheels.

If it wasn't ruined by the "upgrades" I would actually want this. But alas, major CP.

The head tracking in the cockpit view would be pretty cool. May make it crazy hard, but still would be very cool.


"better with Kinect sensor"? did I miss something about this game?


True. A scale in front of the pump would work too. That'd be hard to get around.

What about changing gas taxes based on the vehicle you drive? A RFID chip in the gas cap/door applies more of a tax if you drive a big SUV compared if you drive something thats hybrid or really good on gas. Practical system? Most likely not. Creative idea? Probably.

I like this better than my girlfriend's 08 Malibu.

I had the exact opposite problem in my truck than the VW's. I would turn and the horn would go off and not turn off.

'71 Charger R/T

Since I'm on my mac the most amount of time, I use Camino. I'd use Chrome but my PPC mac is too old for that.

One more vote for the Prius. They are sneaky silent however.

Chrysler Phoenix with some ads featuring their rise from the ashes.