
I just happen to have leftover Microsoft points! something to look forward to next week!

heh yes! old school command and conquer! There goes my night!

I'm glad I've been waiting on a new car, this might be it!


@getyourcarback: I just saw this car, oh wait lol jk #troll

@Arken: I host that website in my basement, so I know it's absolute fact.

@Middleswine: Turbo inline 4 would be extra fun!

I'd like to test drive it to make my own decision. It will probably drive like every other Honda I've driven (Dad has a fit, Mom has a CR-V and my sister has a beater civic). I still won't buy one. Well, maybe if it came with a diesel...

We can't get cars we want here in the States yet we can get crap like this.

no one put a cat on the list? The old Jaguar ones are really nice, before they replaced them with the ugly flat badge...

@Curves: Not if you turn off the power before he has to go there.

@Dab O' Swine: That seems dangerous, and I want two!

@dal20402: I do wish my girlfriends Malibu had a stick. It would make it exponentially better to drive, even with the regular inline 4.

I would enjoy a Silverado HD with a Duramax and manual combo. Might not be super practical, but oh well.


Ugly Acrua MDX.

The Cruze. The front looks nice and all, but they never show a shot from the back.. It just ruins the whole thing.

The demo was tiny which kinda sucked, but the little bit it was made me so anxious for its release! I've wanted a cop career line ever since NFSIII Hot Pursuit had the "be the cop" section.