Janelle S

No joke, though: if you're lucky, you go to jail. If not, you achieve your 15 minutes of fame as a hashtag.

Oh, but Trump is going to bring jobs back, so they won't have any trouble at all :)

I mean, yes. But, we can also take small solace in the fact that only 18% of eligible voters voted for Trump.

I always said I'd prefer to know if that's in your heart, so there you go.

His victory bugs me because it exposes just how many racist jokers I share a country with. Clearly, I underestimated the foolishness of my countrymen.

I did. I couldn't tell what he was trying to say other than "we gotta stop ISIS", "we gotta get rid of Obamacare", and "Hillary is terrible".

In addition, the Electoral College does serve a purpose. You can disagree with that purpose, but it was a deliberate choice to put it in place.

Do we really think he has a vision? Because I'm not seeing it. I don't know what he's been doing, what he thinks he's about to do. This feels like a joke that got WAY out of hand.

Until she gets deported anyway.

"Jesus wanted your ass to give a damn."

You are not. Mike "women with miscarriages should pay for burial" Pence.

Yeah, we don't want Pence. At all.

Nah. Nate doesn't predict, any more than a bookie does. He offers odds. And right up until the last, 538 gave Trump a 1 in 3 shot. That's not insignificant.

He doesn't want this job. He'll hand it over to Pence and then we'll all be sorry.

I can't if you choose not to vote at all. Even if the presidential race wasn't your speed, there's a lot of downticket races that have a more direct impact on your local environment.

538 has been saying for this is closer than it looked. Even a 1 in 3 chance is pretty good odds to win.

We're looking at 3, possibly four Supreme Court appointments, though. Especially at a time when Roe v Wade has been all but gutted, and Mike Bullshit Pence is hot to strip it even further.

Did you see the clip of Mark Kirk putting his foot in his mouth during his last debate with Duckworth? It was a chuckle.

In most states, not counted at all unless it's a registered write-in candidate.

It's not. It's annoying AF.