Janelle S

If you ever spot it: get some Jeni's.

Should have been done three years ago. Trying to wedge those flashbacks into episodes may have hamstrung the writers.

You know, there's one other black woman at my new job. I haven't reached out to her because I don't want to be presumptuous. Some folks aren't looking for that, so I hang back to see how it goes.

With my husband? No. It would take a lot more than a plate for him to stray.

A year after my first miscarriage, six weeks after my second, I laced up my running shoes at 6 a.m. and went out for the first run since I quit HS track some 15 years before. It was slow and dark and cold, but it helped me get out of my head. I still needed talk therapy, though.

Another good resource is to check if your company offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). If they do, you can call the EAP, tell them what you're looking for (a family therapist) and what location. From there, they can hook you up with a therapist and usually the EAP picks up the tab for the first three sessions

I hear you. When you struggle to take care of yourself, how are you supposed to take care of others?

Aw, man, I feel like I've been unnecessarily dramatic. I'm going to be okay. I'm in my pajamas and have a new book and Luke Cage and my husband to cry on.

Heh. Today is the first anniversary of the most traumatic experience of my life. So today, I'm not great. But I've got people to call when I can't distract myself from the very large shadows behind me.

I'm thinking about taking my daughter this weekend. If I can talk her out of Miss Peregrine which will almost certainly scare the pants off her.

Rape culture is the reason he wasn't found guilty. That's it.

I hesitate to recommend Beyond the Lights to people now.

Apologize for what he did. Honestly. Apologize for harassing this woman after she made the allegation. Acknowledge that when you know better—and a 36 year old man should know that just because she consented the night before DOES NOT mean she consented the night of the rape—you should do better.

If only he would use this time to actually show up for work, he might find it easier next time around. I mean, Obama actually did legislate before he took the national stage.

Rubio is biding his time, waiting for the next cycle to make his move. I had hopes for him, but I think (hope) he may have missed his window.

If you say so. I must have missed those interviews.

? What? Who's looking for General Powell's opinion on healthcare and such?

The full quote isn't quite as bad as the headline would have it. This is only going to spin as the media being out to get him.

Sure, but at the same time, when you have #thanksgivingwithblackfamilies and #askrachel that trend on Twitter, it's banking on a collection of shared experiences that would define blackness.

Me, too. He was handed a hot mess of an economy and that completely derailed his agenda from Day -60.