Jaye Tyler

Seriously. I could've used a furious red and white blur tearing out Smalljon's throat.

Man. This show has really gone to the dogs.


I feel like Margaery's got a long con up her voluminous sleeves

I'm not banking on R+L=J, but even if that were the case, first cousins would probably be acceptable in this medieval fantasy world, as was the case in this world until probably the mid-1900s.

I almost thought they were going to try it with Sanza and Theon, speaking of growing up together, but there's no way they'd do something so impractical.

Yeah. It's exactly the kind of overly-pragmatic nonsense D/DB would pull in the name of illustrating the "gritty realities" of this universe.

The way they set up the "Jon's not a Stark" - "No, but I am" bit with Sanza, just by character reactions and framing, gives me the impression they're going to reveal Jon and Sanza aren't related sometime soon, which will lead to an amicable political marriage somewhere down the line. House Stark/? team up with Dany to

You could argue for the lack of subjective quality of AC/DC, but Sabbath was objectively innovative.

All around great episodes. I feel like the NG staff and Meriwether have earned bringing the N+J storyline back - Schmece has proven that they can handle a romance storyline without killing it, and Winston and Cece are finally developed enough as characters that it won't be lopsided when the focus is off N+J. I'm

Seriously. Audible "awww…" at that point.

More J. Cronkite please. I completely forgot how he's connected to Schmidt, but at this point I really don't care.

…Schmidt's wang incident? I don't think Nick and Nadia were ever a thing.

Boys won for heart, girls won for laughs. Two fantastic episodes in my book - some of the best the show's ever done. "Police Navidad" and Nadia's surprise reveal had me in tears.

Nope. Watch on, MacDuff.

I remember a time as a child when my British father was in charge of "pizza night", aka dinner when my mom had to work late. The idea was to make pizza dough in the bread machine (perfectly fine), cover it with a fine layer of can or jar pizza sauce (still fine), a bunch of pre-shredded mozzarella (cool cool)… And

Yes, this. Waaay more interesting than "jk, you're great let's make out!" - and David Walton has so much more potential for comedy than they're letting him utilize as Boyfriend Prop #4.1

When she gives Nick the helmet fragment in the bar… Jake Johnson sold that reaction so hard. That and my Chicago pride had me welling up a bit.


It constantly reminds me that whatever show he was on (okay, I guess "About A Boy" after looking it up, still floored they turned that treacly nothing into a TV show) didn't pan out, and every time I see him on New Girl, I feel like he's pulling the television equivalent of sleeping on an old fling's couch while