
No, I'm pretty sure he gets lost on drag strips.

My co-workers name is Marty Martin, he says his dad had a sense of humor. I would have exacted my revenge on mine by now if mine had done something like that to me.

IIRC the ones used in the Palm Pre made it like a millimeter thicker, and my Touchpad is barely thicker than the original iPad but it has inductive charging. Unless you where kidding, then I fail at the internet right now lol.

Not sure if that was actually meant for me, he was making a reference to all the Ferrari's catching fire.

And you have a good point.

Actually at this point I would hope it was Android 4.x, as it would run smoother than 3.2.

I don't use a bunch anymore, used to use more than 5GB and never had an issue.

They only terminate you for roaming too much.

Most likely clocked higher, they have done this with a few things.


I'll give you $5 for it!

Now I know one thing I might get with the Lowe's gift card my boss got me for Christmas.

I can't wait to see an explosion on Mythbusters using one of these!

Just click on the title instead of the video and it won't auto play. Shouldn't have to do it this way but it works.


It does make it expandable, just posted 62800 characters of Lorem Ipsum suggesting I had hidden something in it, as someone below had, and it shows up as expandable.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Most custom ROMs have it removed, and the Droid X may not have it at all, as this is not actually an Android thing, it's from the carriers and manufacturers, you can use this to check []