
[] Here is Mine, i like it because it's simple, all of my other screens are blank.

That has to be one of the most awesome commercials i have ever seen, and i want one! As long as they aren't insanely expensive.

It appears as if they pulled it for awhile.

That's ok, i can't get it here in the US either...

There, does that work? :P

Yes, a few people posted about the domain not being registered to AT&T or T-Mobile, just look a few posts down.

Good luck and stay safe!

I'm a Sprint user currently and to be honest i either want Sprint to become GSM all around, or maybe support both as they do with nextel, we might even see a hybrid phone with both technologies in (though i'm not sure due to the issues they had with hybrid cdma/iden devices)

The same way they did it with Nextel i suppose.

It's possible they didn't update due to the cost of the guts, compared to the Airs older, cheaper cpu enabled them to update it while keeping the price low, whereas with the 13" MBP the cost of the newer tech and features made it more expensive to make, but they didn't want to increase the pricing, now as far as not

I get it when i open the Winnie the Pooh book on my iPad but nothing else, but all the other are free perhaps it just affects DRM like he suggested.

@Netscott: Just because of the laser beams and mounting lasers on your head.

I don't care if i look goofy wearing or using one, but damnit do i want one.

@BOOTS in the World Series!: Yeah, i would still rather have the joysticks, but that would make it a bit fatter, which i'm sure it's already going to be a bit thick.

@LoganAdams: Movie was so retarded it was funny.