You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.
You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.
Or, more simply, it doesn’t look very funny and mediocre reboots are becoming exhausting.
Just think off all the cracked screens.
They have yet to resolve the biggest problem, the silly luxury price premium.
I read somewhere however that classifying their employees definitively as independent contractors now opens Uber up to charges of price fixing since the “independent contractors” aren’t allowed to charge different prices between each other.
Last month, Uber settled two class-action lawsuits for $84 million to keep its California and Massachusetts drivers…
Well, this is a great way to get back at an employer that treated you poorly. Sic the entire angry right wing on ‘em.
That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.
I know how he feels. Smoking pot is likely what has kept me from getting drafted the past 5 years
Step 1: create an app.
So there's a silver lining for climate change after all.
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
What did she see inside the Trash Compactor?
I’m still so mad I didn’t even proof read! AAARRRGG!
I’ve always been more a fan of the poor-man’s door alarm; a cup full of change balanced on the doorknob
actually...yes, it does mean you’re out of ideas when all you do is address the needs of the user.
Seems like a fair price. I believe I’ll have that burger now.
It’s a feature of House Slytherin, not a flaw
Stop making stupid people famous.
Still better then Trump 2016.