Not gonna lie, the second he said shark-screened man cave, I checked out. I love MicroLED technology and I know there has to be a better use out there for it.
Not gonna lie, the second he said shark-screened man cave, I checked out. I love MicroLED technology and I know there has to be a better use out there for it.
Haha, god could you imagine how lost they would be? Talk about cutting the head off a snake.
Some of us have friends. And some of those friends are assholes.
You know the worst sort of offenders?
I can’t argue against a couple of your points (5g who cares? and for that matter what earthly reason do I have to download something at 1 GB/sec?).
And his vote counts just as much as those of us with an IQ higher than a cucumber...
Yeah, that video did a poor job of comparing the two. Try this one.
Better than a 3 hour game with scores like 1-0. I just came back from a Giants-Cardinals game and nearly fell asleep. Games like that are an absolute bore. Find a middle ground for the love of the game already.
Serious question here, how are corporate donations decided on and distributed internally? It is a single group within an organization that examines requests & doles out cash? Or is it a decision made per department? Or per branch? Or per region? Or even per country if the corporation is large enough?
Thanks, Kelsey! Didn’t know the USWNT had higher profits than the USMNT. If this doesn’t seal the deal, what will?
Gotta love the irony of a group being anti-abortion and at the same time anti-vax, pro-death penalty & anti-refugee.
Haha, right? I’m not sure what traits they were expecting to hear about a burger.
I’m a bit confused. Are you asking for reviewers to describe the other benefits of a burger whose reason for being is to make a vegetarian burger that tastes like meat?
Man, I haven’t the foggiest. It was such a vague statement the only place we can safely rule out is outer space.
In unrelated news, 8 million New Yorkers have signed a petition giving courts the right to suspend the Cruel and Unusual Punishment amendment for people accused of intentionally sabotaging a subway.
So when are you writing a coffee table book?
...or missing connections that results in sleeping in an airport, because the airline finds a way to blame the mechanical delay on “weather” and doesn’t comp you a hotel room.*
I almost bought into an HOA and then thought why do I need to pay someone $400/month to belittle me and lower my self esteem?
It’s almost like Dany & her troops never once brainstormed good uses for her dragons except to “dracarys” people.