
That time your fro was so big the font above had to be offset.

Thanks for clarifying the tree part. For a second I was thinking “how the hell is a tree a drone?”

You like apples?

You may be a robot the way you take things so literally. The Patriots’ balls, on average, were well under the minimum: some 2, some 1, but all under. Bravo, robot. It wasn’t 2 every single time...but it’s still cheating.

So you’re an angry little Patriots fan. I didn’t even have to break a sweat to piss you off. Let’s keep this going...

So 11 of the 12 balls magically deflated themselves by exactly 2 psi? You sound like a Patriots fan.

I don’t think it’s about him agreeing to do anything. He played a role in Deflategate and should be punished in some form or fashion. I’m simply saying the NFL is taking what would be a normal disciplinary situation and spinning it to their advantage.

I’m no conspiracy theorist, but someone’s steering the boat here.

They could talk about it, but they’re not. Domestic violence drives people away from the sport and the NFL will do anything they can to focus everyone’s attention somewhere else i.e. Deflategate.

It’s not too absurd. The first two initials of ESPN are “entertainment” & “sports” after all. If your sport isn’t going on, make it entertaining.

The NFL is playing off the fact that 31 out of 32 teams love to see the Pats in trouble regardless of if it’s justified or not. I agree, this is a rather ridiculous charge which is why I said it could be all for show. It feels too “reality tv”.

I agree, all publicity is not good publicity, but deflating a few footballs pales in comparison to domestic violence & concussion lawsuits and so shifting focus is good for the NFL. If you can’t generate good hype, go with the drama that’s least detrimental to the sport. Drama yields viewership, especially trivial

Random idea: this is all for show.

Does anyone else care that the shower head is uglier than sh*t? Plus, its images are renderings so who knows what this thing really looks like.

Does anyone else care that the shower head is uglier than sh*t? Plus, its images are renderings so who knows what

I worked for Electrolux and the employees didn't measure their time with the company in years...they measured it in layoffs survived. Nobody deserves to constantly feel like they are expendable. Nobody.

Surprise surprise. The states that need better healthcare the most are the ones who don't want it (minus Michigan, they do what they want).

You might consider changing your name to "gullibleonly1".

Ok that was kind of funny. Touche, Usay.

A couple problems with your logic...

While I don't share @mightyninth's hatred for anyone who insults the great state of North Carolina (I couldn't keep a straight face typing that), I have to agree with him about the flight crew - they could be from anywhere.