Just don’t expect it to have things to do. Also expect that people will HATE you for not being local no matter how long you live there. They’ll be nice to you but they will not actually like you.
Just don’t expect it to have things to do. Also expect that people will HATE you for not being local no matter how long you live there. They’ll be nice to you but they will not actually like you.
I think it’s pretty clear by now that JLo’s capacity to stomach shitty men is pretty bottomless. She has abject taste in men which makes me think she’s probably pretty shitty herself.
R.I.P. Roxy and Rudy. I can never hope to have another dog like Rudy. People would think I was exaggerating about him...until they met him. They were usually charmed by The Rottweiler Lean or when he decided to sit on their foot. It’s been 15 years and I still miss him.
Oh my god, she gives great face!
I’m literally rooting for everyone Black (or of color, for that matter) getting entertainment checks, whilst doing what they love. Obviously, pandering gets spotted and shot down quickly, but for the actual *individuals* getting their coins up and working a union job...I am HERE FOR IT EVERY SINGLE TIME.
That I could hear it in her voice made it that much funnier.
nobody cares dude
We’ll somehow soldier on
I don’t listen to her, either, but it doesn’t bother me for other people to like her music. It’s funny when people feel the need to make sure everyone knows they don’t like something. It’s like, ok, who cares? It’s even more funny when it’s not enough for someone to say that they don’t like something - they need to…
I hope MCU Mystique, if she happens, gets to have her white outfit. Bryan Singer’s decision to have Raven be naked when not in disguise was stupid. It’s not surprising both Rebecca Romjin and JLaw hated the make up process for that. It’s not like we would have been confused by her shapeshifting powers also changing…
Nope, not me. “The Rudedog” is what we called our Rottie, Rudy. I think I got kicked off Jez years ago for something so had to return with an alias of my former alias.
As a trans woman you can absolutely hate her despite her trans status. She does not represent us at-the-fuck-all.
You can’t hate her “because she’s trans”
Absolutely yes. The people tagging look stuff up now and price accordingly. I’m sure stuff still slips through but not like it did even 5 or 10 years ago.
I really do understand your viewpoint. One of my dearest friends grew up poor in a large Catholic family. She has a sore spot with used items, and likes to buy new things now that she can - although she does appreciate it when I go to thrift stores and purchase things for her that I know she’d like! I know her size…
She also has someone picking out her outfits.
What is happening in this picture? This dress can't decide what it's doing. The bodice is going to a cookout. The sleeves are going to a tea party. The skirt is going to churn butter.
I regret to inform you that he is British.