I remember getting one of those glossaries from the VHS version of the movie. My uncle either bought or rented the movie and it had that booklet with it.
I remember getting one of those glossaries from the VHS version of the movie. My uncle either bought or rented the movie and it had that booklet with it.
Also I forgot how dated the special effects were in this movie. Like the personal shields. Man, were they blocky and very hard to see the actors. But I do like Lynch’s version of the sandworms compared to the new ones on how they looked.
Ha I watched it the night after I watched the new one. I like it for it’s dark aesthetics and over the top acting...especially from the Baron. It’s so campy but everyone in the movie is so serious lol. As I was watching the new version, I kept going...”oh I remember that scene in Lynch’s version. And that scene and…
Yeah I was disappointed by that also. I was like, that’s not the Cassandra Cain I remember from the comics. The one I remember is badass. Plus she never had any connection to Harley or the other Birds of Prey...unless it was with Oracle or maybe Huntress.
So is this finally on FX? I don’t have FX for Hulu so I’m waiting for this to be regular FX.
I loved Reloaded just for the fight scenes and the freeway chase. It does get a bad rap I believe cuz of how confusing it got near the end? But overall, one of my favorite of the series.
And yet, why they cry “everyone is out to get the white man.” Smdh.
So all he does is play video games all day, stream it on Twitch AND gets to talk with a Congresswoman which in turn he is able to afford a $3 million home? C’mon man!!
What do expect from someone who calls themselves “DaBaby.”
For some reason I always confuse him with Dan Aurbach from the Black Keys.
Soooo they want them to breathe by NOT wearing a mask. Yet if they catch covid, they’ll be breathing through a respirator. Makes sense to me.
I thought the same. He sure didn’t voice him like he did in the movies.
Yeah it’s like all of my friends who have read some comics and usually follow the more popular characters...know nothing about the Eternals. I’ve been reading comics forever and have to kinda give them a crash course.
Oh Lord! Stop making a TMNT movie a thing! It always turns out bad. Just stick with the cartoons. Which imo, the cgi version on Nicktoons was the best.
Right? So it’s ok to be mean to other people. But when you are mean to him, y’all just didn’t “digest” it right. Smdh
Wait there’s another Shrek sequel but with a woman this time? ;p
Ok so I don’t know if this has been brought up yet...but supposedly there’s a “cameo” of Peggy Carter being hauled off by a Hunter. It’s in the scene where Loki uses that time teleporter and ends up in a hallway. Behind him a door opens up and a Hunter comes through it with who looks to be like Peggy Carter.
Ok so Loki was able to use magic when he dried himself off from the rain...meaning when he’s not in the TVA he has his powers back. If that’s the case then, why didn’t he just bounce when him and Mobius were at Pompeii? He could have left Mobius there to die. Or use it against the TVA agents who don’t really like him.…