
The U.S. Federal government’s stance on cannabis is a blatant bold-faced lie. More evidence comes out every day proving that cannabis is much safer than alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. The DEA “drug schedule” has absolutely nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with politics and government

Robert Swan Mueller, the Third of His Name, is all up in this bitch like:


Moreover, instead of the normal umbrella holders (and since they were laid off by the new, politically correct American F1 management), each car will come equipped with two beautiful “Umbrella Girls” on a full, complete 24/7 duty.

“On each handcrafted motoring disc, Artisan Hypertires inflate to your every desire” “Extra-Dimensional Mobile Listening Environment jubilantly renders music from the future”

You had me until that third sentence there.

That does sound scary for him. But I think the cargo hold would be safer than even first class. Just give him something to help him breathe and cope with the temperature.

Dicks With Dicks

This is the only Portnoy PenguinLust recognizes:

I know this wasn’t addressed to me buuut I’m a transracial adoptee myself, and had an ex who was adopted by one of his teachers when he was 14, in what was likely a pretty similar situation to this one. I also worked with kids for a long time. So - with all of those things in mind, this story brings up some red flags

The troops who actually understand the oath they take require no reconciliation from the cowardly clown in chief.

i join you on the hill. Athletic is attractive. She also has, of the group, the best sounding solo outing. don’t think it sold well, but i thought it sounded the best.

People used to give me shit in middle school for having a crush on Sporty, but I was fully prepared to die on that hill.

Brady gets an injury that takes him out of the game but is not career threatening, and the backup sets numerous Super Bowl records in a complete anihillation of the Eagles. In other words, he gets Bledsoed. Bonus points if the announcers say sub is the future of the franchise and Brady needs to retire after the game.

For people without a rooting interest: what would be the most entertaining way for the game to end? I’m thinking something like Pats lose in overtime on a horribly bad call. I’d be vastly entertained by the reactions to that.