
Came here for this. Thank you for the good work you’re doing.

I see the problem here, you’re taking the message of the whole book into consideration, rather than just picking and choosing the chapter and verse that you feel you can exploit to absolve yourself and your behavior. That’s just not the Christian way, my friend.

yeah, but remember, “you can’t even get a decent chair for $5,000!!!” #kmn

I’d take that with a grain of salt, considering the source:

I was going to protest your age limit there, becuase I used to LOVE the Mr Magoo comics that I’d get from the library, but then I remembered that I turned 40 last year. #dammit

wow, I’ve never noticed the similarity before, that’s hella disturbing!

It’s almost as if he doesn’t understand what words mean...

Fucker has a black belt in lazy avoiding accountability.

what’s the conversion factor for Scaramucci’s? Is it a factor of 10? 100?

oh man, i LOVE bingo...

Only because Nick Nolte and Gary Busey will be dead by then.

The best books. Truly, really tremendous books.

I don’t think anyone trusts Trump to stay on this any issue more than 24 hours

yeah, because that’s “rational.”

He’s like a comic book villain who wants to literally destroy the Earth. Why don’t any of the heroes ask them where they plan to live after they do that? It’s ridiculous.

I don’t know why any of us expect ANY of them to make words with their mouths and then follow up with appropriate and commensurate action. Especially the Conman in Chief.

I see what you did there, very nice. </golf clap>

Fancy Kristen, is that you??

I never jest, and stop calling me Shirley.

using the fabled “Bistromathics” propulsion system?