
I liked it post break up because it became a growth story for Finn for the rest of Season 5 and 6. He had to learn to cope with loss and it was difficult to do so, and it was something that teenagers typically go through. By the time The Comet ended, Finn was a more rounded, mature character.

"A man needs a maid"

When I saw the title, I thought this was going to go one of two ways, a CN crossover with maybe Steven Universe or a Finn meets Fionna situation.

It was doomed to fail, but he screwed that up himself….and set up what I thought was one of the best long character arcs of the show for Finn.

I agree, and I appreciate some of the callbacks, though I'd like to have seen Canyon be used a bit more than she was.

It's a good episode, and it reminds me of the urban Boy Scout troops and summer camps in New England that try to get kids involved with nature. They really help a lot, as they did with me and some of my friends. Really liked this episode.

Especially when we know a pizza is $200…inflation has really gotten bad these last 1000 or so years

I get why it was cut though. Would be a great DVD bonus feature, but in terms of understanding Earth, its not a requirement for Gems to eat. Amethyst just likes doing so for the physical pleasure.

That weather forecast is still more predictable than January in Boston

This was the best of the 3 episodes so far for me. Had that good kind of horror drama where the evil is mostly in your head. We didn't know the motives of the girls until the very end, and had a few solid twists and sudden moments to keep it interesting. I thought it was well executed.

Sadly no

not exactly a long list if we're being fair.

Definitely not meant to be taken too seriously, and its actually really neat how Weird Al even sings on these episodes. Adds that nice touch of unique absurdity.

Even with Ruby and Sapphire it's tricky. We know they love eachother, but we don't really see that romance in anything other than Garnet. Stevonnie follows along the same lines, but it's not quite the same as writing a solid romantic relationship. It's the inevitable conclusion (I don't think they're cruel enough to

It's so weird seeing AT after the run of SU episodes we just had. They start off on such a light hearted note while Steven Universe just reels off big episode after big episode.

There was definitely something creepy about the first few minutes of this episode when BMO is making sentient sandwiches.

New Vegas?

Given where they come from, namely Sugar, its building on the strengths from her Adventure Time days and really doing something extraordinary. I don't think there has really been that bad of an episode yet.

I thought this was going to be a cool off episode after yesterday. No real detail, just a leisurely episode with no real big revelations.

Best part was how she laughed without knowing what a chicken was….brilliant.