
I kind of love the look of determination on that guys face. He know’s he’s probably taking a fist to the face but he’s gotta support tha boys no matter what

East Coast neutral here, fuck these start times.

I really hate these late start times, I’ve been able to see the end of one game this World Series.

Refresh your page when it starts happening. It’s a Kinja thing

Whenever I hear of asshole step father’s I always wonder if there comes a point where the now grown-up child gets their revenge. I’m not usually an advocate of physical altercations but if there’s been years of abuse...

The guy that referred the song got the name wrong, it’s Desert Cruiser.

I have all these symptoms all the time....

Personally this was my favorite play of the game. I don’t know how he managed to keep his eye on the ball.

A few weeks back we ordered two pizzas, somehow one came without cheese.

Dad’s thinking “great! this one can help pay for the other ones art school”

If the game permits I usually just walk around shooting and yelling LAPD FREEZE!

There’s some exciting titles out this week but Hidden Agenda is my most anticipated

So what happened with you and Alan?

Now playing

The quality of the recording isn’t strong but everything else is

I give this 10/10 Zukka’s (am I allowed to do that?)

Ok smart guy what would you suggest I tell my wife I’m doing then?

I’m sorry you had to exert some energy. We’ll give you a pass so you can just continue killing the planet instead. When people ask you wtf just tell them it’s ok if you do it because it was just too much effort for you.

You got crazy really quick.