
Agreed. It also makes it seem like they’re still learning about each other which makes sense because even before the Starks were separated Jon and Sansa were probably the furthest apart. Last season sort of felt forced when they reunite and everything is water under the bridge but this feels like the honey moon

One of these things are real...


When was the last (or most memorable) time you said “fuck it” at work?

opens up new bottle of hand moisturizer

Oooh got the chills just reading that.

Play Beyond with a friend who isn’t afraid to challenge your decisions and will go rogue from time to time.

Half the league makes the playoffs? What league are you watching

Ah ok. Canadian here so our terms are a bit different but maybe I was thinking boy scout instead of cub scouts

I don’t know of the maths support it but covfefe’s coefficient roles off the tongue better

I had that one. I didn’t even get a chance to wear it before my parents found it and tossed it.

There’s a real drop.... Off

Can we just create a sub-deadspin for us sad Toronto fans? Get Olerud’s Helmet and Andrew Daisuke in on it

I might have been thinking Joe Corvo. I like yours better

I like this but if we had to chose between two relatively cheap old men I’d want them to bring in Big Joe.


Not a lawyer but I think they held him while waiting for the results because they claimed he broke the terms of his parole (the curfew).

responded to the wrong person; have a good one!

If you and your friends aren’t talking about your butts and wiping techniques then you need new friends