One woman said six pairs of her underwear were stolen from a dresser drawer.
I treat hot women similarly. When walking down the street, I refuse to make eye contact with them, even though I can tell its what they truly desire. Sure, they may be looking into the window of Lord & Tay, but they’re really trying to read my essence. My essence is hot. But I won’t give them the chance to glimpse my…
11 months old omgggggg
But they only accept Diners Club. And Clinkle.
So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?
You don’t think coding is work? Fuck yourself and go back to the 19th century.
After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*
Also: sunk cost fallacy. I’ve already invested so much in this, I can’t stop now no matter the signs telling me to cut my losses.
I honestly can’t tell the difference between a real Trump tweet and a joke Trump tweet. Sad!
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
I love Ask A Manager!
I just called and the number is working...Let’s all pull together on this one.
IF YOU DO 1 THING TODAY, let it be this:
“Hello my name is ______, I’m from _____. My phone # is _____. I don’t need a call back. I’m calling because Steve Bannon is unfit for a leadership role ANYWHERE within our government. Please register…
I think if they are offering you should absolutely take them up on it! I know my mom wishes she could have supported my university degree more so I didn’t end up with a shit-tonne of debt, and she’s offered that I could live rent-free with her to save money to go back to school/pay down debt (it’s not a good idea for…
Absolutely. My hometown is Marshall, Minnesota. Small, mostly white (save for some Hmong and Somali people) and I grew up going to Catholic school. The one thing I still hold dear regarding my Catholic upbringing is how charitable people are and how helping people was the biggest part of the religious experience.
Maybe the “dad” who lives in the house isn’t the biological father of this boy? It’s not clear from this article but that could be the situation, a non-custodial parent?
This is such a stark contrast to Obama’s farewell speech last night (and the last 8 years for that matter, but last night brought it home in a very heartbreaking way) that it makes me tear up. I can’t believe this shitshow on wheels is what follows such a smart, savvy, dedicated, funny, self-depracating, diplomatic…
“Ernest Ruins Everything”