Make It FunkyBaby

A lot of sensitive men on here. What do you say to the WP and WW when they get their little feelings hurt when we mention racism. I think I’ve heard “If you’re not doing it, if it’s not you, then don’t get offended and say it’s not All WP; JSTFU and be an ally.

The author didn’t put this on black men, he put it on men in general. This asshole happened to be a black man, but the author does not say that has anything to do with what happened.

a lower hanging fruit gesture to posture to the “law and order” crowd.

You couldn’t look up “where the hell he got the badge”?

Republicans: proudly selling nails for their nation’s coffin.

No he did not hold his own. Stop giving this uneducated, ignorant boot licker the benefit of the doubt. So he didn’t fall over on the way to the stage, good for him. The only thing this moron did was create memes that will live on forever and force SNL to rewrite the cold open. 

I’m fascinated by how “knee-jerk” became a go-to excuse for racists and idiots. So you’re basically saying that spouting off some racist nonsense is, to you, equivalent to when the doctor hits your kneecap with a rubber hammer to test your reflexes? Like, the thought of, “Should I say this racist thing?” doesn’t go

White people don’t go around calling other white people “ghetto”.... just sayin...She knows what she said, she knows how she meant it, and if you have to explicitly say you’re not racist it usually means that you are, in fact, racist. 

The ‘quiet’ racists never learn their lesson. Nope, even though the ones before them catch all of that smoke and then some, there’s always another who think they are except and damned quick to turn on the white tears and sob stories when their racism costs them everything.

how it always is with Karen’s like that.

I certainly hope no one in the comments section will contact Miss Worthing to share their feelings. Please don’t call her at (810) 210-8347 or email her at She’s suffered enough and the last thing she needs is to hear from people, especially those of color, sharing their thoughts. She’s been

Knee jerk racism is still racism. It might even be the most honest type of racism, because it bypasses the usual coded language that racists often use to cloak their racism.

  ...Those who know my heart...I said it because I was threatened...I used this term to describe actions...I found extremely unsophisticated.”

Fat, dumb, American, Karen-haircut. A living stereotype, calling someone a stereotype with not a hint of self-awareness or irony in her vapid gelatinous head.

yeah girl, if your knee jerk reaction is to say something offensive, you might just be a little racist.

Those who know my heart know I would NEVER ever use someone’s race to degrade them.

Black folks were born into a racist society that shows racism in the most blatant and subtle of ways. Constantly. It is not far fetched to say that Campion “took aim” at “black women” with “vitriol” because what other motive or point did she have to even point them out and speak about them in such a diminishing way?

This wasn’t about racism. It was internalized misogyny.

I was willing to get her back when Sam Elliott was talking shit about her movie even though I love Sam Elliott. But then she goes and shits on the Williams sisters. And for no fucking reason. They didn’t say shit to her. They had their own damn movie. That didn’t have shit to say about Campion.

I wonder how many people who know and have worked with her were just waiting for that other shoe to drop during her speech. Like, oh no, she's getting a little too excited and getting off script...any second now..and, well yah blew it.