
Huh, I was wondering why they picked such a dull name for Farnsworth's ancestor. That alone has to bump up the score by a third a letter grade or so, just because it gave the entire plot some real-world grounding and reasoning instead of being entirely arbitrary.

Why skip the first vignette?
It wasn't vital to the episode or anything, but it's kind of weird to not mention the sobbing sister (or the sixty bananas).

What's with the truncated articles? At least two blank ones went up this week, and now this. WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END.

Fake out!
I saw the headline and thought this would be a review of the Peter Watts novel (Blindsight). So disappointed! You should give that one a go. The premise — that humanity might be a freak accident among spacefaring species in developing a sense of empathy/aesthetics/consciousness/self-awareness — was both

Did George's dad actually know he was a werewolf?
The "supernatural spider sense" explanation for nonhumans recognizing each other doesn't work (for spoilerish reasons), and George was so circumspect about admitting the exact nature of his "condition" for most of the episode that I figured his dad just thought he was

As someone who watches BH via the online player…
…I'd just like to thank BBC3 for plastering a giant finale spoiler on the front page of the "Being Human" video site less than three hours after the finale aired. That was SUPER HELPFUL.

Better than Flowers for Algernon
For a cool literary take on the idea of mental augmentation, check out Ted Chiang's 1991 short story "Understand," which features its own brand of high-stakes thrills:

Cool trailer music, though

Yes, please!
The BBC version may have its faults, but it's significantly better than its American counterpart. I wouldn't mind seeing that version dropped, but would love seeing weekly reviews of the original series. Keep 'em coming!