
Deep.  Profound.

There are no black cops.  There are just cops.

Also important to note: in 100% of those cases of getting it wrong the bad cops don’t admit they did anything wrong, the “good” cops with them don’t say anything about it, the department tries its level best to bury it if it gets out, the police union mounts a vigorous defense of all cops no matter what they did and a

But not for them.  He goes back to work for the people who fired him and then “graciously” rehired him after massive protest of their ignorance.  I didn’t even see anything about an apology in the story above which should be the absolute bare minimum response.

You sir, are a monster.

All I know is: porgs or I riot.

Of course he’s worth keeping. That doesn’t mean they deserve him. Good on the kids for recognizing what the administration didn’t. If he wants to go back for them or himself or the benefits, great.  But he deserves more and the administration deserves to be held accountable, not just a do over.

A much better outcome would have been some other company offering this guy a better job where he didn’t have to work with the same ignorant people who fired him in the first place.  Also all those ignorant people being fired.

This is fantastic. I just hope she knows history will judge her entirely by whether or not porgs turn out to be central to the saga.

There was a woman who shared this same simple idea that people in incredible debt were likely there because of their own poor financial decisions. This woman went on to study bankruptcies in depth. She changed her tune when she came to understand the predatory nature of the loan industry.

I work for the government.  Two years ago there was still a box of 3.5" floppies on the supply shelf.

As an Oriole fan, every time one of our guys goes over to the Dark Side I buy his jersey and then burn it.

Then I want Tiffany Trump to rise up and reveal herself as a progressive elven queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love her and despair!

I took an intro Greek Mythology course in college. Day one the prof said he’d actually be covering a lot of mythologies including “Norse mythology, Chinese mythology, Christian mythology...” I’d never seen so many spines stiffen in horror at once.  The class was a lot smaller the next time we met.

Totally safe.  Not only is almost all of MD liberal, but MD has been super gerrymandered in favor of the Dems.  Not saying that’s good, but in this case I’ll take it.

My rep too.  I was always proud to see his name in the news because he was always on the right side of history.

How is it dodging the question when the question is analogous with the famous “are you still beating your wife?” gotcha question?

Talk about making perfect the enemy of 99% of perfect, younger, more successful, and already leading.  C’mon ladies.

I had one, and only one thought throughout my first and last massage: “Oh my god, please stop talking about your pet turtles.”

I’m white and I agree: don’t call cops to “help” me, ever. Their rule #1 is come home alive, and they’ll kill anyone who might give the slightest whiff of putting them in “danger.” Also, I’ve got black people in my house and I don’t need them killed either.