
I... didn’t see that coming. I mean, I thought you were comically paraphrasing him.

I’m terrible at Overwatch. I think that puts me at Dirt level or something? There are plenty of us there, all being terrible but enjoying the game and trying to win. And even though I’m a healer/tank (because I’m terrible at aiming) I still feel a little part of me die when the first five picks are Widow, Hanzo,

OK.  I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.  Enjoy your life.

Both health care and impeachment were factors in 2018.

I’m not blaming Al Green because he tried to faithfully uphold his oath. I’m blaming Pelosi for cynically playing politics when we should be holding an incredibly corrupt administration responsible.

Impeachment would succeed since it requires only a majority in the House. Conviction would almost certainly fail. And Trump will claim exoneration whether he’s impeached or not.

The Mueller report is 448 pages detailing many instances of obstruction of justice. How much more evidence is needed?

It’s not a moot point. Not impeaching because of the racist controlled Senate is akin to not indicting because the judge is racist. The House needs to do its job regardless.

You’re not very nice.


CNN’s been pretty clear about this. They don’t care about news, only spectacle. Putting on reasonable people who agree that racist tweets are racist is news. Putting on a Nazi to fight with a normal person is spectacle.

Most polls seem to ask people “do you like having insurance, or would you rather die of leprosy in a ditch?” and then tout the results as support for the private insurance industry.

CNN also just brought on Richard Spencer for a rebuttal of “Trump is a racist,” and he somehow managed to surprise me by complaining that “Trump is all racist talk, not enough racist action.”  I didn’t think I was still capable of surprise but here we are.

All airlines do it. So it’s really fuck all air travel.

Trump is right: this is his only path to victory. He and his party are doomed unless they whip up the Fourth Reich.

The best part of the interview was when the white lawyer tried to pipe in and the reporter shut him down and moved on.  She’s already perfectly explained herself.  Nobody needed his help.

Yeah, I only went with the gif cuz I didn’t think anyone would click on the video.  Good stuff.

I did sheepishly backtrack - I missed that it was email. And I did concede it is bad and racist. And I only find it trivial with respect to the overall demonization of Kaepernick and the general lack of horror from the public over this demonization.