
How fast can you even go in Hawaii? Of course, a close reading of the ad suggests that the Washington plates figure into that calculation somehow.

its a hawaii jeep but wears washington state plates? tax evasion?

Agreed. A professionally done 392 swap would probably be more worth it since those exist now but are still very expensive. Mixed manufacturer swap in a 10 year old car? Not so much.

And its in Hawaii where on a good day supply chain and know how can be a challenge.

Look, you put a 327 in an old Nova that came with a straight six, you have probably added value to the car. Easy swap, factory offered it that way, it is an old car at the point where everything probably needed to be redone anyway.

I mean, there’s only three writers hereworth reading anymore so there’s that

I don’t expect jalopnik to survive much longer

I wish them luck. Livewire will have to compete with this and 250 other models. I think of a 30K Livewire and the only thing I can picture is Bradley riding it back from LA on his epic trip of misfortune. But in reality by sales volume will be below and dominated by city riding

At least it's VC money that isn't going to crypto or NFT's

This just in: water still wet. The Sun still rises in the East. Morons still act moronically.

60 year old British wiring? Probably easier to yank the existing harness and start fresh than spending the rest of your life chasing one electrical gremlin after another.

A Robinson R44. What a surprise.

Your comment describes most of the content here.

Over a decade ago, LeBron James announced that he was taking his talents to South Beach.

What have you got against Frogger?  It’s a fun game.  Why deny DC residents this entertaining pastime?

Maybe there is something I’m missing but if nobody walks this what is the need for additional pedestrian space?

I can see were graphics are going without Torch. LOL

One of the worst parts about Tesla is the strange nerds who feel the need to explain and fight everything away by everything negative is because of a “short”.

InsideEV has become a Tesla/Musk fanbou PR site. Basically a joke these days.

To be fair, yokes are common in race cars that turn corners too, not just dragsters: