
No “this will only drive up my repair costs” comments yet?

Yeah, the head of the NHTSA will get to make new headlight rules, which unfortunately won’t mean “just harmonizing with international standards.”

Now playing

My 2020 Mercedes has these new multibeam headlights, but it was disabled for the US market. I may have paid a Russian car hacker a few bucks to send me an OBDII plug to enable it, and it may be totally awesome how I can leave my brights on 24/7 but not bother cars in front of me or coming toward me, and not blast

Don’t worry, your lights will be required to be ever so slightly different from those of everybody else so makers will still have to specify unique lights for the US market.

Do turnsignals next, so we can get the better European designs.

Do you not know how that would work? Universal healthcare would be paid for by taxes. Every taxpayer would be contributing towards the cost of healthcare for everyone. Which means, yes, other people would be paying for my healthcare, but I would also be paying for their healthcare, and I would also be paying for my

The thrilla in Twittervilla.

Deep down he's still just a South African teenager getting swirlies in the locker room.

You don’t get to be the richest person in the world by being well adjusted.

He is only against the additional EV tax credit for union-build EVs, as opposed to non-union built EVs. The author of this piece has no idea what he’s talking about.

Can confirm, I owned one and it was an absolute money pit.

It’s a 27 year old car. It’s not special. It is just a nice Mercedes. If something breaks you have to search how to solve it. And things will break on older cars. Can it last for longer? Sure. But you gotta work on that. Before you know it you spent $10k on this car. It is not a V8 or an AMG model. It is not a

Maybe I voted wrong, but I don’t see this being worth more than $5k.

First thing I thought was 10 years of “Environmental Impact Studies” and lawsuits from Green Groups

I owned a W124 260E for a few years in the mid 90's.

It also helps that Rivian isn’t vaporware and actually delivers trucks. Rivian trucks are already on the road (amazon delivery trucks), and they seem to be the first viable commercial-use EV produced in any kind of numbers.

They pretend towing doesn’t exist when it comes to complaining about ICE pickups, and then make it the main issue when talking about EV trucks. 

Now! It’s already up +50% lol

Why do writers keep acting like this is some “gotcha”.  No duh, towing a large brick is energy intensive.  Everyone knows that.  If you are going to tow a lot and you buy an EV, you’re an idiot.  Not the company that made the vehicle.

TBF, towing range on my gasser truck is pretty bad when I am towing my boat. 8-9mpg doesn’t get me very far. I can refuel but not all stations are optimized for large trailers to come through