
Plaid is so hot right now. 

You know the guy you contacted is really the chief if he managed to get the biggest "idiots starting fires" holiday (excluding Devil's Night, since this isn't Detroit) of the year off.

It could be interesting, because no matter how glossy the presentation, Bernie is almost guaranteed to fuck it up by simply speaking. It’s only a short matter of time before he says something awful and if you try to edit it all out, you’ll have about a useable 5 minutes of material. At best. He is unabashedly who he

Qualified immunity, who cares?

Because they were dealing with unstable explosive materials in addition to the fireworks. Detonating them in the containment vessel on-site was less risky than trying to move them. Imagine if this explosion happened while the truck was being driven...

I *think* there’s a line of logic that there are more bad things that can happen in transit than there are just by using the supposedly safe truck on-location.

How did everyone’s mind not go right here. It’s even the LAPD... again

Gotta set them off in the neighborhood as an example, right?

Did anyone even say “hold my beer” first? I feel like that’s protocol for something like this.

Dang, I didn’t think buying a Genesis Coupe would lead to Skynet and the robotic eradication of the human race. I mean, I also own a Toyota and that was definitely my bet with the T-100... or maybe those hampsters in the KIA commercial.

Damn, even robots dance better than me :(

Finally! We can get rid of all those pesky, injury prone humans on Broadway! Robots for the win!

Brexit happened. Crimea happened. NATO isn’t what it used to be. It doesn’t mean what it used to. I’ll believe that NATO will do something, when it does something. 

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) working as it should. There is just no downside to the Chinese if the loan gets paid or not. Chinese state owned companies are doing the work, and if you don’t pay, then Chinese courts have a say over your countryside. No need for invasion! Brilliant! Your really can’t go wrong when

The US led a humanitarian mission that literally stabilized the Balkans and the CCP is currently running concentration camps, maybe this isn’t the place to insert your US intervention hobby horse.

Kinda sad to read this. I’ve heard and read all about the Chinese BRI... I also visited Montenegro a few years ago as a family member was stationed in Podgorica with the State Dept. What an absolutely beautiful country with amazing driving roads. My wife and I drove from Zagreb, Croatia all the way down the Adriatic

That’s because you’re thinking in western developed terms.

The “original” design had a bumper that bisected the upper and lower portions.

The countries in debt to China seem to have keep their mouth shut regarding China’s Uighur slavery/genocide actions too. I guess you don’t want the Chinese to jack up the Interest rate to 200% or something.

Not only does BRI build up infrastructure in less developed nations and give China’s construction companies something to do as building slows down at home, but such infrastructure allows Chinese-backed companies to extract the natural resources from those nations more efficiently. (This is not greatly different