
Yeah, there’s a lot of extrapolation going on here, which may be the case, but also, it appears this guy was responsible for inspecting this bridge, and missed a huge issue. 

Goobers will say they need to haul their 69 full sheets of plywood at least 690 miles every day, in less than 6-9 hours, but I think this thing is great.  And I’m a car guy.

You must call 911 and wait for the authorities or community action team to arrive and take care of the situation.”

Personally, as a brown man, if I were dumb/desperate enough to do something like this I’d rather suffer vigilante justice than whatever will happen to me once the cops arrive

Somebody like Lewis going full speed on you is only marginally better than getting shot if you’re not in shape for the ring/octagon. Maybe even if you are, as witness that clip of the six-four, 259-pound Blaydes making one mistake within his reach and getting bounced off the canvas...


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Will their idiotic grille designs die too?

A 9,000 pound truck with a 3-second 0-60? What could go wrong? 

About a month ago I was present when a road train clipped a pole at a crossroads causing a wire break that dropped two sections onto the roadway. Two other cars stopped and between us we managed to block off the road a way back from the intersection. It was dark so we turned on hazard lights on all the cars and just

And send a Chrysler 200 back to 1955?  The past would think the future was bonkers.

You tell me that AFTER I done already got this

When Alex Roy is calling you an unsafe idiot, you know you dun really f**ked up.

Imagine if one had a Flux Capacitor onboard...

Uh, the point of this article is to show that no matter the proof, Tesla Stans will still argue that everyone is wrong about Tesla.

It’s moronic. I used autopilot this morning and it kicked of on the freeway on a curve. It does that fairly frequently but it only takes once. It also doesn’t see large immobile objects, like walls and trailers. Tesla drivers should be the first to cry foul at this lunacy.

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so utterly sad. What is wrong with people today? It’s like there is some sort of irrational psychosis going around of believing what you want to believe, facts and evidence be damned! Oh wait, that is the definition of “religion”. Tesla/Musk is a religion, I guess.

Is there any other car community as cult-like as the Muskers? 

trolls like Warren ... (he’s blocked me on Twitter, sadly)

I’ve been getting into Buddhism lately and a part of that is not to think or say anything negative about others. This Warren guy, though...