
Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that

“America: Singlehandedly Making Brexit Look Not So Bad On The ‘Fucking Disaster’ Scale”

Ron Weasely was just over at my house and he said you need to stop whining about posts that no one made you click on.

He’s not evil, he’s just seeking vengeance

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”

The problem you have is that this is Harvard. The people that go there are not used to serving anyone at all. The people that go there — legacy, scholarship,and everything in between — are going to be the people that run the country. That program may work for a state school; that’s not going to fly at Harvard.

I don’t consider asking for a living wage outrageous.

$35,000 a year seems like a lot to ask to you? You have a weird definition of “a lot.”

It’s terrifying that if this man had just a CURSORY sense of self-awareness he’d probably be elected president. Don’t even stop lying or talking about the wall or NATO or outsourcing or crooked Hillary. Just avoid half the irrelevant self-indulgent impulsive own-foot-shooting fuck-ups. Talk about how awesome you are

The fact that Mike Pence “won” the debate by lying his ass off about (or just flat out ignoring) all the crazy and deplorable shit Trump has said over the last year and a half, how poor of a businessman he is, and how stupid his proposed policies are, speaks to the sorry state of this presidential race very well.

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

They drafted women in the 60's???

I’m speaking of Trump obviously.... I don’t hear Clinton making fun of disabled veterans and POWs

Why is it always the Chicken Hawks and draft dodgers who talk so tough about military service they know nothing about?

Joe Biden is the fucking man.

That well known human Marijuana...

Finally, the coveted lipless weirdo demographic.

I guess it’s a smart move to slip this in on a Friday afternoon, but man, why not just chop your balls off and mail them to the guy?

Correct. Schilling is the bigger source of consternation for Red Sox fans. “Thanks Curt for 2004. Now please shut the fuck up.”