J. L. Brown


+1 for subtle Bugatti dig

Europe had decades to produce viable EVs and a much better political climate to do so.

Well, here’s to moving fast and breaking things.

What if they’re just training their AI?

I think both of you are correct, with maybe Torch having a (cynical yet probably realistic) slight edge. I mentioned this on the original Taycan post.. but if I’m making $250k a year.. then that extra $70k for (on paper) less performance and way less range matters to me. If I’m making $2.5M a year.. then I’m buying

Want to pipe up and say that this video was awesome. The video quality was pretty good and it seems like everyone is getting better at being on camera - but the content was great. I’m sure this was a limited opportunity, but more videos like this would be great. I’m kind of surprised there wasn’t more technical

Have the best of both worlds - I keep driving my Charger Scat Pack while my wife drives a Pacifica Hybrid. I will say that seeing even just a PHEV at work, I want a powerful electric vehicle bad. And I love my Charger’s roar.

That’s not what my close acquaintance third cousin bothers mothers best friend heard from someone she knows that works in “upper management” at Tesla

Someone else mentioned that it’s more likely the other execs used the other planes as well for many not really business focused trips and are claiming no knowledge of said planes in an attempt to pin it on the fall guy.

Has this “upper management guy” been singing this song for over 10 years too? 

Nissan would have had to be insanely, insanely dysfunctional not to know it owned additional planes, especially when you think about the other costs involved - staffing, training, storage, insurance, fuel, maintenance, airport fees, etc. And the fact that it is somewhat unlikely that Ghosn would have flown alone on

5th: I’m still going with Ghosn on this one. Executive pay gets a lot of scrutiny, as do business jets. The company knew, staff knew.... right up until the point where it was advantageous to Palace Coup Carlos.

And don’t forget his private submarine.

For something else good about the movie I would add the songs Pushing the Sky the opening song Ask DNA and the closing song Gotta Knock A Little Harder. The movie opening credits song and sequence makes it feel like the could be in any modern day city.

Now playing

Great, now I'll have the movie's intro song stuck in my head for the rest of the week.

Best corgi animation I've ever seen.

"The same basic thing happens with Spike. Despite having Spike totally at his mercy, Vincent decides on a whim to shoot Spike non-lethally and throw him clear of the upcoming explosion—so that Spike, the hero, can survive like we know he must and return later in the film."

The action scenes in Cowboy Bebop: The Movie are as fun as they are beautiful. There are shootouts, spaceship dogfights, and amazingly well-choreographed kung fu brawls that grab you right by the testosterone and refuse to let go.