
Blizzard could care less about “earning your precious play time”. You’ve come off as childish at best.

Similar situation - haven’t spoken or seen my mom in 5-6 years for all the same reasons you’ve listed.

It looks like it was drawn/painted from inspiration of the original, rather than copied/pasted and photoshoped.

Ultraman for SNES. My vote for worst game ever.

This game has been sitting with my collection waiting to be played when it is in a more serviceable state. This update brings that opportunity closer to reality.

This is my favorite map! It does seem to favor defense, but I’ve found that whether I win/lose on any map, offense or defense, almost always comes down to “is my team working as a team?”.

Fun read - thanks.

Quite the admittance of laziness.

The sex scenes were lame and unnecessary. They didn’t add anything to the story or characters. It was very cringe worthy, like watching a grownup play with dolls and trying to make them engage in sex.

Having kids isn’t the end of gaming - not even close. Sure, you may need to change when you play GTA and the like, however, you’ll have a little person whom looks up to you constantly and wishes for nothing more than to show you how they’re just as good as you, if not much much better.

It was addressed in the article:

What if we don’t speak up because we use the block button instead?

Competitive Mode is definitely not ”the only mode where people actually play the game collaboratively”. You’ve clearly proven this via your own article.

Mute the mic and block the offenders in chat. Not using those features is bringing these problems upon yourself. Your article could instead be about the positive aspects that have occurred since taking advantage of such resources. Working with quality people and seeing less toxicity.

This guy is super immature. Like a little kid trying to fill big-boy pants.

Blizzard has done an exceptionally poor job of providing a positive gaming environment. The only useful tool they’ve provided me, is the Block-button.

I was able to solo most jobs in FFxi, and that was surely a challenge. Sure there was Beastmaster, which is the obvious for solo play, one of my favorite jobs, but I loved being able to solo DRG with healing wyvern, BLM with timed sleeps, SMN with Fenrir destroying imps, nearly any other job if BST was subbed and you

Hi Jason,