
Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.

Someone put dat boi on a unicycle.

And how exactly is any of this relevant? What business is it of yours what the CEO of a game company does with his money?

For now. If the same trends continue US will overtake in next 5-10 and this is coming from a guy that lives in Toronto and can actually feel the impending doom Canada has at the loss of its national identity.


But, please, by all means let Al Shapton visit the White House as often as he wants and stump in support of Hillary.

He and Trump make a perfect pair.

You have tens of billions of dollars in profits made in foreign countries by your foreign subsidiaries that already pay foreign taxes. 

Maybe now they’ll bring back the Performa name.


Probably some slick tax-dodging move.

If anyone’s stupid-Brad seems like dull as a board. He’s probably just good in bed- and that’s why Anjolie went for him in the first place. I do think Anjolie is weirding out even more than usual. The whole getting rid of your boobs (and uterus?). Anyway, not too many men are good with ‘crazy’. Sorry to say crazy

I’m oddly not terribly shocked this happened. His relationship with Angelina started while filming a movie AND while he was married to Jennifer Aniston. I don’t necessarily buy into “once a cheater always a cheater”, but I’m not going to pass out from shock if it happens again.

I dunno. Some guys are into quality acting, ya know...

It’s because...Fetish fanservice. Namco also helped with Smash 4's development so this would be expected.

Lisa: Feeling the tan and cream vest but not the thigh bag. Is that a thing? Do people make leg bags? I really don’t want one.

To be fair, they have rockets in them.