
I was just about to say that, where are your pokemon? Do you not get to battle, are you just throwing poke balls to fill a pokedex? Do you have to wait 6 hours to replenish poke balls? And do you have to spend poke dollars that you accumulate with real money ala a clash of clans type of currency system?

I agree, it’s pitiful that our sovereignty has been routed so badly over the last 30 years

We should start saying that! Does gold do well in space?

It should say make NASA great again!

You’ll definitely make fun of the accents with comments like that. LOL, visa denied!

Because it’s not about homosexuality, its about control! It’s also a very 1 sided version of control and submission. It’s all about Kanye’s power complex, I mean he has a song called Power... This directly address that complex.

Because having power over someone gives you the ability to belittle them with confidence, hence the “assbitch”. It’s really not difficult to understand. You’re drawing inferences from other unrelated instances. Kanye & Amber Rose are clearly stereotypical heteronormative examples. So lets keep this narrative inline

Well I can answer you without backtracking, a blow job is a sucking sensation, and also it is a position of power because the person who is sucking can bite the penis they are allowing inside of themselves. They’re the ones giving the pleasure. It’s the same if a girl is on top during sex, there are many forms when it

Yes, I think those fingers have the power to umm stimulate... Unless you don’t enjoy it, in which case that would probably be something you should avoid.

Your argument is extremely contrived. It’s embarrassing for Kanye because it means he’s not in the position of “Power” that he claims he was in, not only that but he’s saying he “owns” Wiz Khalifa’s kid. Give me a break. Fingers in the butt from Amber to Kanye mean that she was in control. Nothing more nothing less...

Honestly I’ve seen a lot of footage of death and fatalities in the past 2 years that I don’t think we would have ever seen aired in the past. I guess I was more shocked that there was footage of the crash. Didn’t even think about the markings of the airline, etc. My Google fu is quite rusty

Now playing

Lol okay, succinct answer. I am however slightly disappointed. Found it though! I guess it was a test crash

Apparently stupid, maybe I’m not using proper inflection points or intonation. But the “Discovery” logo in the bottom right leads me to believe that the plane in the gif you posted is from a real plane crash... I’m simply asking what/when/where was this plane crash, I’ve never seen the footage before!

So is it a real plane crash? It looks pretty brutal, flight number, survivors, etc?

When did this crash occur?

Awesome, I'm looking to buy a Tesla and I see that they added a super charger station in Buffalo NY recently, still really isn't highly available but cool nonetheless!

The San Francisco Bay area is highly unlike the rest of the US geographical & economic landscape, and the infrastructure supporting Electric vehicles will inevitably sprout up faster there than it would anywhere else other than perhaps Detroit...

Seems crazy that as a producer of a major video game his company didn’t offer him better insurance!

As a Buffalonian it’s awesome that he plays for Buffalo!

Well we did lose to Miami once last year! Let us be happy!