If this tech leads to me having an actual Holodeck some day then I'm all for it. My gaming time is currently limited (with a 2y/o and a 2nd child almost here) and I'll likely be too old to care once its here, but I'll be damned.
If this tech leads to me having an actual Holodeck some day then I'm all for it. My gaming time is currently limited (with a 2y/o and a 2nd child almost here) and I'll likely be too old to care once its here, but I'll be damned.
those look like actual roads here in MI...
I didn't even realize there was a paperback version, may have to order shortly!
And of course seeing this clip now, makes me realize that the scenes from Bug's Life & Monsters Inc. are using the exact same set piece from the same viewpoint, except in Monsters Inc the vegetation (cattails?) appear more grown.
I think on bimmerforums there's essentially a PnP solution available using an arduino but as I know that type of swap won't be in the cards for me for a while, I don't pay much attention. I do know there's a guy here in MI that built an LS3 E46 M3 for a customer and shipped it out to (I believe) New Jersey.
Is it weird that I have the strangest uhh... "tingle" after seeing that car?
how about this: it's a freaking anime sword and they actually forged a relatively accurate one out of metal in real life? Get off your high horse (not just you, everyone) and take it for what it is.
how about this: it's a fxxking anime sword and they actually forged a relatively accurate one out of metal in real life? Get off your high horse and take it for what it is.
Now I want one of these....
a lot of speculation that it'll be Geneva in March.
While this set might not be the greatest, they do offer some really cool sets and for dirt cheap! Now if only I could buy some, have them shipped to the US, and not get my CC# stolen in the process...
Tangerine Scream (or whatever it's called) is not the same type of orange I'm talking about here. I'm thinking bolder like maybe Competition Orange from the '15 Mustang, or look at the colors on the Lambo lineup (green, orange, yellow, etc...)
Since I think the color palate of the current STs is lacking anything truly exciting (yes yes, they all look fantastic as is) the RS is definitely the right product to really punch you in the eye balls a bit. Bring on the acid trip green, face melting orange, matte black, what have you...
Now I haven't read through all 95 comments, but I think the key to the announcement is 12 *new* performance products through 2020. Wouldn't that indicate above and beyond what we already have/know about (so doesn't count the current ST siblings or Raptor, but would probably include GT350, RS, etc.)?
am I the only one impressed that an attorney isn't too stuffy to have a name "SirPoopyPants"?
And I'm still annoyed by MT's rolling-start lap times...
Yeah, NDA's are a b!tch. Even as a Ford employee I'm sure there's countless things he's privy to that I couldn't be told (I mean, he saw the '15 Mustang ages ago and the rest of us employees saw it the same time the whole world saw it)
Even if he knew, he couldn't tell you.
The one that always kills me is when you see that they've modified the invoice to have a line item to cover their advertising expenses and roll that into your total due.
Hey Patrick, you still fielding questions on this? My viewpoint is a bit different: I'm a Ford employee so the employee discount is luring me into buying an ST when my '14 Fusion lease is up. Since I have time due to the lease, I'll be looking at a '15 FoST or FiST but I also have a son, with potential for a 2nd in…