
They are tiny angels blessing Kim only.

And I will be here with you, COVERING IT ALL!


Just goes to show you that internet anonymity makes us bold but we cower in fear when we're confronted with those we're making fun of.

dear god why

I'm impressed that your coal mine has internet access!

i'm with you. Tap dancing, magicians, contortionists, ballroom dancing... I'm sure there's more. I appreciate that it takes a shit ton of talent to perform these things, but i never want to watch any of it. Ever.

It just raises so many more questions than it answers

Carson Kressley is probably the only one who appreciates that comparison.

I'm not accepting that. How to train your dragon is one of my favorite movies and I refuse to accept it as a victim of this hinky dinky retarded gay pseudo-equality movement that's happening. We're changing characters just to make them gay?

Ugh. Not that its not a nice dress, but SO been there, done that. The cut of the dress and even her hair is the exact same as when she wore that famous green Versace dress. I don't think I've ever seen someone whose fashion is so lost in 1998.

Now playing

I feel like we should just start a chain of YouTube videos from the 90's here we go:

"Compromised" means "the dickwad we hired didn't know that even though the office bros laughed at the picture he found on 4chan, we're in shit if he posts it."

I believe Showstopper and Damaged were their biggest hits.

The number of times I've slipped into a nice tub only to remember that my champagne or iced tea is aaaaaalllll the way upstairs in the kitchen...no seriously, this is a minimum of 50% of my baths, and I'm a once or twice a week soaker. I need that bathroom!

I disappointed by the lack of "Dolly House" puns in this article.

I looked into the comments and I guess I am the only one who clicked on the link and my first thought was: "Her first public outing since elevatorgate and this is what she pulled out of the closet?"

Look, I've watched this video multiple times and read all the interviews and try as I might to avoid this simple conclusion I just can't. I'm firmly, 100% Team Dog and I'm left with an unavoidable, harsh truth to face: