
Advertising usually doesn't lock hundreds of people in a basement.

Glory, that's a good point. It's no longer in that "The Killing" territory.

I think it's because, in the USA, it's on a cable channel nobody has heard of. Presumably Pivot bought it as part of a plan to be 'heard of' a la AMC with Mad Men.

"B" "takes a breath" huh? Very, very harsh, given the previous praise.

That's a thing?

This review's subtitle made me realise the ` key existed.


This is a "The Asylum" film, or at least they're claiming ownership to it.

While in Australia it's on network TV on Sunday nights. Weird, huh?

I second this motion. Fortitude had "The Killing" season 1 potential a few weeks back (and it hasn't entirely lost it). That said, there's enough "Holy sh!t" moments here, plus a much better ensemble cast, to keep things rattling along.

Fuck you, Fortitude.

D-? That speaks of seriously high expectations. I get the point, though; the show seems to be 'pushing boundaries' that were passed a long time ago.

Mystery shows should have a "The Killing" Factor. This week jumped from 'low' to 'medium'.

Hey, look, it's the 1990s!
This show is the ultimate time warp. It's like "Home Improvement", gender roles and a generic procedural in a blender.

Thanks, Homeland.

Thanks, Homeland.