JKeys, decked in ribbons

Why bother in going to a place that awards abusers?

People need to tweet this stuff at their favorite artists that are scheduled for this event. Let them know what is going on and how they won’t be in the audience for their shows there.

You might remember (or rather, you might have struggled to forget) “Fearless Girl,” a 50-inch bronze statue of a

I don’t know if it was Anniversary Collection, but the love for SF3 is definitely posthumous. I don’t think that many people went to bat for it at the time.

Nooooo. I don’t want her to do this. I want people who are celebrities and not politicians to stop running for the highest elected office in the country. You should have experience to have the job, no matter how smart you are, and how successful you are in your chosen profession. I don’t want it to be a popularity

Because shit is still problematic.