
What’s scary comes from the fact Fox Sports will eventually hire Schilling, and all sports figures like him. I’m assuming that they’ll surpass ESPN one day by embracing the fact ~82% of sports fans are asshole white conservative meatheads who love takes and anti-PC resentment entertainment.

I’m going to go out and say it. I think Dwight Howard has gotten a bit of a bum rap.

Why not? Your mom stayed up with us too.

I did the same and even parlayed it into sex by saying how great it’d be to have such a cute kid. Jokes on her though, after years of treating my body like a truck stop toilet, my boys have the mobility of Andy Reid trying to run through a pool of sand.

Will someone just give this girl her own Disney show already. Preferably one with a hot nanny dressed in clothes not even remotely appropriate for a kids show. So basically a normal Disney kids show.

Riley Curry. Accept no substitutes.

Last night my sports-hating wife specifically stayed up to watch post-game TV with me, because I told her Riley Curry might make an appearance.

Paul Allen made that same face after seeing the first prototype for the Zune.

She’s Kiki’s niece.

Am I the only one who saw Vandeweghe and thought Kiki? Im not even a big basketball fan but I remember that name.

Imagine dying from a boatshoe kick to the head?

Silliness. Of course none of us know how this fracas began. Maybe the donnybrook was brought on by ripped jacket man looking to brawl with the bros. But such a ruckus can turn sour with kicks to mugs and my guess is when the jury sees tape of the rumble they’ll view it as a man taking a cheap shot at a drunk in a

Bow tie, sport coat, shorts and oxfords with black socks? What an atrocious look. No wonder the fashion police were trying to rough him up.

The pre-fight...

Better angle here on the kick to the “head,” which appears to draw more shoulder than face. God bless this video.

Pitiful techniques on display here. Just fucking pitiful. If this is how young republicans bar-fight these days, THIS is the wussification of America.

I will never not star this photograph.

Vineyard Vines: For when you want to drink yourself stupid, throw a failed slow-motion haymaker, and get kicked in the neck...all while dressed like the preschooler with the coolest mom.

Chop this, mutherfucker!

Ah, yes. The sport of kings.