
Wow....very dark and negative this week. Videogames are meant to be fun...most of the strips this week don’t add anything positive and only detract from the experience and joy.

But but ... wasn’t Cybertron half destroyed when Spock voiced Transformer teleported it with the help of Dr. Shepard from Grey’s Anatomy!?!? I’m confused. Wasn’t the CUBE (All Spark?) the creator of all Transformers!? What was the plot of the second Transformer’s movie? And why hasn’t Bumblebee asked for Sam

Proving that we humans have Cat DNA (the instinct to squash anything that comes to view).

How lovely would it be to remake this game with remastered anime cutscenes and soundtrack plus upgraded anime style graphics engine for todays generation of consoles...if only. Also, maybe add more history and plot to the current one.

Just relax and enjoy the game...seems fun devious diversion

I prefer a patch that introduces the virtual world of TRON in Mass Effect, enabling cross-galaxy communications inside a virtual environment.

Not bad...now the Switch can go from the primary house to any parental unit family member’s house and be connected in a ... swiiiiiitch.

Great for the following setup:

The answer lies somewhere inside Gradius V, Star Trek the Motion Picture, Xenogears and Meet the Robinsons.

So many witches and warlocks buying unicorn essence. It was a magical day.

Final..(Anakin-Vader moment)...nnnnooooooooooo!!!! Well, at least they have the season tidied up and solidly written. Will miss the show.

Balance...Sith Lord and Apprentice versus Jedi Master and Apprentice. Sith Lord + Jedi Master go bye bye and Apprentice + Apprentice go make Apprentice Jrs.

A can imagine hungry people at King reading this article and thinking “Hmm, Candy Crush should go perfect with Switch”

Like drinking coffee and realizing they just served you another cup but stronger and you go for it and drink it and go all warp speed the whole day.

OMG that picture...I cannot stop laughing Iam sorry but the picture looks like a bad sitcom promotion....it’s like Alf but without Alf.

That is actually great news...would love to buy and play it on PC and they should mod into it some Star Wars characters...on the topic of modding, would love a Phantasy Star Remake (original Algo Star System arc) on PC and instead of Mei they should put Bayonetta as a sidekick and catgirl as a non-dying character.

I believe that if Microsoft sticks to an x86 architecture and Windows based OS, it does not matter if they put pure adrenaline inside...previous games should be compatible. So...generations as we know it are over.

I Can’t Stop Laughing!!!

Nice blog article...the ending besides emphasizing some nostalgia, it clearly expresses in a great artistic way about inner reflection.

Hmm...is this article from what numbered Earth??