
I originally thought that the Thunderbird would be collectable but its just to boring and tacky. The only car like this to hold it's value and become a potential class is the XLR-V

Dem Pipes :0

This Guy!

Got it!

Thank you sir!

You need to send me a link of a giant desktop version of that (if there is one)

I would hesitate to call a car with gold racing wheels and a carbon fibre hood a "sleeper". Anyways it's still a pretty nice price.

Holy crap that roll over clip on the first video is amazing and I loved seeing the W140 totally own that Opel Corsa on the second video.

I think it is a W140. Either way those old Mercedes are indestructible because they're built like a bunker. My parent's bought a '03 ML-350 and a '04 C-240 4-Matic and you can definitely tell that the build quality is not up to par with the old Mercedes. Especially with the electrics.

Can't unsee it... damn you

Mine has been the Volvo 480. It's like an old C30 with pop-up headlights so what's not to love. Well, maybe the fact that it was only sold in Europe and it's front wheel drive but it's still an interesting machine.

All I had to see was classic ad watch and female and this immediately came to mind.

This is the ugliest modified car I've seen awhile. The paint job really seals the deal for me. It makes it look like grimace's ball sack.

If it was stock I would be hesitant to say this is a NP however, with the much better Buick powerplant, this is a total steal. Personally I would get a beater Chevette and make it mid engined with this Buick motor or something more powerful. It would have to be turbocharged or even twincharged to make it into a Group

Six miles? I'm lucky to get 1 mile out of those little hoon mobiles. Maybe that has to do with the fact that I always try to do maaad front wheel drive burnouts.

Jesus what an absolute catastrophe. Jeep had a good thing going with their styling. The current Gran Cherokee and Compass are handsome and minimally styled. But this... this is embarrassing. Doesn't Chrysler realize that they were just bailed out?

What the hell is wrong with a 3 series wagon??

NP. All the other moms will be soo jealous when I show up with this to soccer practice.