
You are the brave leader we all deserve.

HAHAHA. I love this take because it’s the most idiotic take. You want to be left alone go out in the woods and live off the grid. The only thing is that kind of separation doesn’t come with high speed internet. And something tells me that you prefer lazily coasting through life to actual work.

“this is not the rise of national socialism being played out or Crystalnacht going down.”

I definitely did a spit take at that little assertion.

Stop being a sheep.

“Progress” is a myth. Progress for who? This isn’t a new or interesting thing to say. Progress has been dead since way before 2016.

“it sucks big time”

Sadly there is no difference anymore.

The World, and it’s people, does not want to be saved.

So are we still pretending that he deserved to be suspended in the NBA Finals too?

Please stop pretendintg that REFs don’t give LeBron all the leeway in the world to do whatever he wants.

I can’t believe how many people are mindlessly applauding this woman.

Or maybe you have some semblance of taste and don’t watch TMZ or listen to terrible pop music.

“expressing sexuality in art”

Update: Nevermind.

I read the questionnaire. Unfortunately it didn’t kill me.

People are just drinking more because the world is crumbling around us. Personally I prefer the Mexican Mule. No copper mug required.