Actually it’s the cost of all those things multiplied by the author’s marginal tax rate.
Actually it’s the cost of all those things multiplied by the author’s marginal tax rate.
The one in the gif is a catamaran.
Some people treat project cars like Lego for adults. All the fun is in the building of the thing. Once it’s built, move on to the next project.
You can drink and walk at the same time and you don’t have to fumble around getting your bottle out of your bag.
Can’t tell is this is sarcasm or actual racism.
That too.
fuck yes, thank you
Anybody got a link to that hilarious blog a while back about black cookouts on here? Talked about when to show up, what to do depending on what music is playing, etc.
Also, pretty much every other airport in a major city.
Cuomo 2020
Real thing is probably cheaper, too.
Because real life is boring. Embellishment makes for a not boring movie.
terrible. have a star.
The 3.3 will likely be marketed to fleets, and that’s about it. The 5.0 is around only because baby boomers would have a snit if there were no V8 available. It’ll be gone in a few years.
Hot taek: the song sucks
Loving this series. How do you find out about the ownership of these businesses?
Open door, take flying leap while also closing the door. Or the photog assistant is having a snooze in the back seats
Probably not drunk. It’s a dry island. They’re on opiods instead.