
If you are ever in the market for any kind of vehicle, you best thank your maker for franchised auto/motorcycle/golf cart dealers. They keep the transaction prices down through competition.

Excellent, well thought out response ....

Disclaimer: I am a "regular" franchised auto dealer. I really, really want a Tesla. I would buy one in a second.

Disclaimer: I am a "regular" franchised auto dealer. I really, really want a Tesla. I would buy one in a second.

So what's your point? I would gladly pay that price today for that car, and now its 8 years old .... economics 101

The margins at my store are around 3.5% of gross sales ....

Finally .... see my post above ... most folks who read this blog are folks that have no idea how the real world works. Excellent interpretation.

Dealers are needed ... Like most others have pointed out, when supply outweighs demand of the new 'vette, the prices will drop accordingly.

You asked, here it is ... loved this thing ... could go "anywhere" and absolutely crush any of my other cars that I played with .... still wish I had this thing. It was badass.

$2000 for anything with a HT4100 in it .... not a chance, CP

This car was a first class pile of shit .... under $2500 would be a good price, then it would be good only to someone who needs to put a 16 year old in it ....

This is NOT the first time in the last few years Chrysler has done this .... There have been many delayed launches, most notably the 2014 Grand Cherokee Eco Diesel. Its not out yet, because they want it "perfect" when it hits the streets. Chrysler used to deliver a not-ready-to - launch vehicle, only to let the

Will do!! Reward just upped to $7500 this am ...

Thanks .... the articles have been a little skewed .... we have had 4 or five cars stolen in the last 10 years or so .... its not that commonplace .... the reward went to $7500 this am, and will continue to rise until my insurance pays off .... JJ

My cameras DO JUST that ... but since I was dead asleep at 2 am, and my phone was on vibrate, I missed the alert .... sickening ...

If you have any information, Ill pay you $10,000 .... Im not joking. Contact me at the store. Read the earlier posts. The loss is minor, I have insurance. I want the assholes caught so no more businesses in my area have to put up with this shit. I will raise the reward until someone squeals. — JJ

Not in todays world .... if a key was made, it would be on the car's service history report, period.

Well, then you both know me, cause I own the store ....

I have actually thought about that ... If I ever see the car, I better be in something with AMG, V, or SRT on the badging!!!