
Whiny Babies Ruin Everything.

That Leg!!!

Netflix has every episode from the premiere to the conclusion of Season 4.

Apu is smarter and more cultured than any South-Asian I have ever come across, except for my Cardiac Surgeon.

Do you see everything as if it’s the Iocaine scene in Princess Bride?

The translated letter concludes, “You just don’t communicate anymore!”

I paused at every half-second thru the strobe-lited scene between them. He was clearly being raped. Any other interpretation comes out of a bottle or pipe. Then when Tyler approaches L’Rell’s cell, he drops to his knees, apparently involuntarily. She acts like the dominant party, despite her prison. More evidence of

This is just the end for me with io9 and current TV sci-fi. I find Katy’s bizarre reactions and alter-fiction  especially insane and unsupportable. The Klingon Sleeper idea is a fever dream pulled out of thin air. Her character analyses, plot summaries, and reviews are short sighted, mean spirited, and, I believe,

You may be the only clear thinking member of this community (aside from myself.) This is supposedly a very ‘thinky’ bunch of people, but they just don’t get the complexity of human personality, almost as if they have none themselves.

I was thinking, “too bad you can’t get 911 on a cellphone,” but then she said she thought of calling the police and discarded the idea! Dang, lady, your life is worth more than your embarrassment. If you are really that scared, call the police! Tell them you think a man broke in. Let the guys with guns sort it out.

Beside “animals named for dicks,” one of the largest Families of flowering plants is named for testicles - Orchids.

As for science factors, the time-dilation machine and the grow-anywhere redwoods were pretty inventive concepts and cleverly combined to resolve the big conflict in the episode.

You shut the hell up dissing Orville!!!!

A few of my friends used to work for the same family-owned business. They tell a story of a gift that some employees sent to their somewhat aloof, authoritarian boss. One fellow went to a florist and got a large dozen-roses-type box filled with all the trimmings - green wrapping paper, ferns, baby’s-breath, etc. - but


Start a YouTube video. After the ads are either done or clicked thru, go to the bottom of the display and click on the “gear” icon to open the various settings. Then select speed and choose what you want.

Haaaaahaaha Haaa! Heart! As if!

YouTube’s speed control can slow this down to 0.25 speed. With this you can clearly see Melania’s action was not a simple flinch but a fast and full open-hand wrist rotation like swatting at a fly.

YouTube’s speed control can slow this down to 0.25 speed. With this you can clearly see Melania’s action was not a simple flinch but a fast and full open-hand wrist rotation like swatting at a fly.

May the First be with you!!!