

The emotional context is the most important difference between the two performances. After the set-up (which Tig kinda belabored, imho) the skits diverge in the most important human interactions.

Should have used the purring for percussion

So his given imperfection was psychopathy.

Looks like Mr. Fireman lost his footing at the end.

There’s no way you can disconnect from History. All current space-tech everywhere is derived from German WWII projects. Sad but true.

When he kills himself it will almost certainly be recorded on video.

Oh! No Way!!!!!

And you thought Squids were Oookey with their suckery tentacles?

“A mere five tragedies away”

You have Aubrey Plaza in a show and you spend more time on the barbie doll?

What does Potassium sulfate have to do with that robot? Y’know, K2SO4???

Is it “very easy to assume this . . . is an action movie”?

Nah. I’m running it again, twice as loud. It’s good. Try it at eleven.

Adding a “y” adjectivizes those words, describing a quality, not the actual thing of the root word. The work in question surely does have qualities similar to the genres implied.

#3 and #4, actually. I can’t believe he’s been gone five years and 11 months! Seems like such a recent loss. These are not the only stinkers he appeared in, but those wretched properties were immensely improved by his participation.

That is approaching Clickbaitery. Shame on you Giz!!!

Is that really Mr. Nielson? Could he have been that desperate at any point in his life? Or after?

Ten-year-olds can’t do math.

Gizmodians, you’re slipping! I was sure that by now someone would have made a new account named “Greg Lee Youngman”!!!!