
I don’t go out to a theater often, but on Nov. 11 I just might. This seems a little creepy, very suspenseful, and very cerebral. Big Plus: apparently the most inventive ‘alien’ to come along in ages: 70 feet tall (?), with nine-foot-wide sea-star hands? Yes, please!

Could it be because of a widespread attitude about sex?

Never heard of that one. But it rated high for their estimated of my liking it, so “added”!

Ditto ‘Selfie.’ I thought it was very clever at times, and she was always delightful.

Best Driver meets Best Ferry Pilot

Then would you perhaps approve of Spelling Her Name Correctly? It is in the title of this article.

Oh, those poor, poor Nazis!!!!

That would be the same species. He’s saying that dumb people can procreate something entirely new, like “Crocodendron”, a genus with traits of crocodilians and philodendrons.

Not even two months and you have to bump this story up to the front AGAIN???? Just run it every week thru November, ‘coz some people just won’t get it.

Its not only about a celebrity, it involves communication technology and an old sci-fi movie. Melange.

“. . . women while menstruating are emotional and cannot be depended on to do work or be rational”

I was thinking the mic was under the cutting board for some shots.

Someone should re-edit this with the fish Screaming every step of the way, then protesting the inadequacy of the final assembly.

You already are. Now back to work!!!!

Joe Rogan runs such a hysteric rage-fest, I’d tag any guest as a lying loonie.

That’s right, Brainiac. DINOSAUR Meat!!!!!!!!!!!

Bus driver must be very glad he had that window closed!!!!

What the crap? Who just flips off Janis like that???