
You broke that poor little Peckhamia!!!

The Walking Thingies???? You mean the Eighty-Eighties?

Spoiled, schmoiled! Quitcher whining. It only adds a hint at part of the story. Still, what is Krall’s motivation? How did his body transform? And is there still two hours of quippy dialogue and SPFX to amuse me that did not get into this 30 second blurb?

If you are very, very sure the insurance claim will go your way.

Or, as YouTube commentors are saying, “Filmed with a potato/ toaster/ etc.”

Robot from 2197, camera from 1986.

At 05:20 — So you need Mjölnir to do this experiment?

Oh darn! I did my Thermidor comment, and now i come across this. You win, Mr. Glan.

Or what some folks would call “Bacon on toast.”

Sisyphus was a chump.

You missed my favorite - the Speed Controls.

I thought for sure that would have to be the Top. But that Sennheiser is much worse and I’m glad I’d never heard of it before.

:-) I actually LOLd!

21st Century Rice Christians

AT 13:45 — The Thermians have returned !!!!!

In space, no one can hear you

Right. They have only been clocked at forty miles per hour. You can run that all day!!!

How is this not the top reply? So obvious — clown, tube-tunnel-slide, ball pit. For certain, there are forty Micky D’s lawyers all over this right now.

Time travel will never be invented now, because by the end of this year everyone will be totally bored by the idea forever.